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  • Zoe Garcia

Week 46

Over the last week I've been getting my act 3 shots up to final, as well as implementing some changes.

For the most part I've been adding moths into all of my shots. A month or so ago I did a moth flying cycle for the simulations that we're gonna be using in the film. I took that flying cycle, referenced it into my scene a few times and then animated the path.

There is an issue with selecting controls because of the bounding boxes in the environment getting in the way, which makes it hard to offset the cycle. To get around this problem I usually have to hide the environment to select the controls. Then to actually offset all the animation, I've realized that offsetting the animation is easier to do before creating the path since it's easier to select all the controls and move the keyframes.

I've gotten some other work done furthering my character animation, unfortunately I don't think I'll be able to get all my shots nicely polished, but I just need to make sure they read well and look decent.

I need to change the rhythm in a few shots so they're a little more interesting, as well as some finger movement and then I'll most likely be done animating. Only a couple more weeks until Mothman is done.

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