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  • Zoe Garcia

Week 22

Over the last week I've done the rough blocking animation for four shots in act two, all of which combine into the first half of a scene.

The shots range from one to three seconds and are currently only playblasts. The character still doesn't have any facial rigging yet so body language has been a really big focus for the blocking, as well as timing. The little moth is also completely unrigged so all it does at the moment is move through space and turn.

Live reference was taken for almost every shot to get key poses and timing right and to make sure the movements look natural. The reference also changed some of the key poses for the shots, since some of them started off awkward and stiff.

Currently the biggest issue is getting all the shots to look correct together. The first two go together well with the moth's flight path leading from one shot into the next, but the rest have been difficult to get the same result for. The last two shots will probably end up looking completely different later on once I figure out how to better lead the viewer's eye around the frame from one shot to another.

In the upcoming week I'll be fixing up these shots based on feedback from my team and finishing off the rest of the act two shots that I have. Hopefully I'll also be able to get started on act three shots, but currently I have to wait for the environments to be finished and the shots to be laid out before I can do that.

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